Localization Options
Most of the localization options are for title tooltips over icons.
You can provide localization options to override the tooltips as well as the day/month display.
You could also set this globally via tempusDominus.DefaultOptions.localization = { ...
or by
creating a variable e.g. const ru = { today:'Перейти сегодня' ... };
then provide
the options
new tempusDominus.TempusDominus(document.getElementById('datetimepicker1'), {
localization: ru
new tempusDominus.TempusDominus(document.getElementById('datetimepicker1'),
localization: {
today: 'Go to today',
clear: 'Clear selection',
close: 'Close the picker',
selectMonth: 'Select Month',
previousMonth: 'Previous Month',
nextMonth: 'Next Month',
selectYear: 'Select Year',
previousYear: 'Previous Year',
nextYear: 'Next Year',
selectDecade: 'Select Decade',
previousDecade: 'Previous Decade',
nextDecade: 'Next Decade',
previousCentury: 'Previous Century',
nextCentury: 'Next Century',
pickHour: 'Pick Hour',
incrementHour: 'Increment Hour',
decrementHour: 'Decrement Hour',
pickMinute: 'Pick Minute',
incrementMinute: 'Increment Minute',
decrementMinute: 'Decrement Minute',
pickSecond: 'Pick Second',
incrementSecond: 'Increment Second',
decrementSecond: 'Decrement Second',
toggleMeridiem: 'Toggle Meridiem',
selectTime: 'Select Time',
selectDate: 'Select Date',
dayViewHeaderFormat: { month: 'long', year: '2-digit' },
locale: 'default',
startOfTheWeek: 0,
hourCycle: undefined,
dateFormats: {
LTS: 'h:mm:ss T',
LT: 'h:mm T',
L: 'MM/dd/yyyy',
LL: 'MMMM d, yyyy',
LLL: 'MMMM d, yyyy h:mm T',
LLLL: 'dddd, MMMM d, yyyy h:mm T'
ordinal: (n) => n,
format: 'L',
toggleAriaLabel: 'Change date',
Accepts: DateTimeFormatOptions Defaults:
{ month: 'long', year: '2-digit' }
This should be an appropriate value from the Intl.DateFormat options.
Accepts: 0-6 Defaults: 0
Changes the start of the week to the provided index. Intl/Date does not provide apis to get the
locale's start of the week. 0 = Sunday, 6 = Saturday. If you want the calendar view to start on Monday,
set this option to 1.
Accepts: number Defaults: 0
If provided the weekday string will be truncated to this length. This is useful when the Intl values are too long.
Accepts: 'h11' | 'h12' | 'h23' | 'h24' Defaults: undefined
Changes how the hours are displayed. If left undefined, the picker will attempt to guess.
Here is how the different options affect the start and end of the day.
Hour Cycle | Midnight | Night | Notes |
h11 | 00 AM | 11 PM | If your locale uses this please let me know. |
h12 | 12 AM | 11 PM | |
h23 | 00 | 23 | |
h24 | 01 | 24 | If your locale uses this please let me know. |
The aria-label to use for the toggle button. Defaults to "Change date", unless one more or dates is selected, in which case it will be "Change date, {dates}".