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Display Options

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The display options allow you to control much of the picker's look and feel. You can disable components, buttons and change the default icons.

new tempusDominus.TempusDominus(document.getElementById('datetimepicker1'),
    display: {
      icons: {
        type: 'icons',
        time: 'fa-solid fa-clock',
        date: 'fa-solid fa-calendar',
        up: 'fa-solid fa-arrow-up',
        down: 'fa-solid fa-arrow-down',
        previous: 'fa-solid fa-chevron-left',
        next: 'fa-solid fa-chevron-right',
        today: 'fa-solid fa-calendar-check',
        clear: 'fa-solid fa-trash',
        close: 'fa-solid fa-xmark'
      sideBySide: false,
      calendarWeeks: false,
      viewMode: 'calendar',
      toolbarPlacement: 'bottom',
      keepOpen: false,
      buttons: {
        today: false,
        clear: false,
        close: false
      components: {
        calendar: true,
        date: true,
        month: true,
        year: true,
        decades: true,
        clock: true,
        hours: true,
        minutes: true,
        seconds: false,
        //deprecated use localization.hourCycle = 'h24' instead
        useTwentyfourHour: undefined
      inline: false,
      theme: 'auto',
      keyboardNavigation: true


Accepts: string

Any icon library that expects icons to be used like <i class='fas fa-calendar'></i> will work, provided you include the correct styles and scripts needed.

Icon sprites are also supported.


Accepts either "icons" or "sprites"
Defaults to "icons". If "sprites" is used as the value, the icons will be render with an svg element instead of an "i" element. If you don't know which you should use, leave it as "icons".


Defaults: (fas fa-clock)
This icon is used to change the view from the calendar view to the clock view.


Defaults: (fas fa-calendar)
This icon is used to change the view from the clock view to the calendar view.


Defaults: (fas fa-arrow-up)
This icon is used to increment hours, minutes and seconds in the clock view.


Defaults: (fas fa-arrow-down)
This icon is used to decrement hours, minutes and seconds in the clock view.


Defaults: (fas fa-chevron-right)
This icon is used to navigation forward in the calendar, month, year, and decade views.


Defaults: (fas fa-chevron-left)
This icon is used to navigation backwards in the calendar, month, year, and decade views.


Defaults: (fas fa-calendar-check)
This icon is used to change the date and view to now.


Defaults: (fas fa-trash)
This icon is used to clear the currently selected date.


Defaults: (fas fa-times)
This icon is used to close the picker.


Accepts: true|false Defaults: false
Side by Side View Displays the date and time pickers side by side.


Accepts: true|false Defaults: false
Calendar View Displays an additional column with the calendar week for that week.


Accepts: 'clock' | 'calendar' | 'months' | 'years' | 'decades' Defaults: calendar
The default view when the picker is displayed. Set to "years" for a date of birth picker.


Accepts: 'top' | 'bottom' Defaults: bottom
Changes the placement of the toolbar where the today, clear, component switch icon are located.

Throws unexpectedOptionValue if value is not one of the accepted values.


Accepts: true|false Defaults: false
Keep the picker window open even after a date selection. The picker can still be closed by the target or clicking on an outside element. This option will only work when time components are disabled.


Accepts: true|false



Defaults: false
Displayed above in red


Defaults: false
Displayed above in purple


Defaults: false
Displayed above in green


Accepts: true|false

These options turns on or off the particular views. If option is false for date the user would only be able to select month and year for instance.


Defaults: true
A convenience flag that can enable or disable all the calendar components like date, month, year, decades, century. This flag must be true for any of the calendar components to be visible, even if those options are true.


Defaults: true
Date View


Defaults: true
Month View Turns on or off the month selection view.


Defaults: true
Year View


Defaults: true
Decade View


Time View

Defaults: true
A convenience flag that can enable or disable all the calendar components like date, month, year, decades, century. This flag must be true for any of the calendar components to be visible, even if those options are true.


Defaults: true
Displayed above in red


Defaults: true
Displayed above in purple


Defaults: false
Displayed above in green


Defaults: false


This option has been deprecated and will be removed in a future version. Use localization.hourCycle instead.

Twenty-four View


Accepts: Defaults:boolean
Displays the picker in a inline div instead of a popup.


Accepts: 'light' | 'dark' | 'auto' Defaults: 'auto'
Specifies which theme to use, light mode or dark mode. When set to auto, it will auto detect based on settings of the user's system.


Accepts: 'top' | 'bottom' Defaults: 'bottom'
Specifies whether the picker should be displayed at the top or bottom of the element passed to the picker instance.


Accepts: boolean Defaults: true
Specifies whether the picker should allow keyboard navigation. For more information, see the section on keyboard navigation.